
 6 essentials to survive test week ≡


Quora: exam strategies

The end of the year exams is just around the corner for most of us and the stress levels are rising sky-high as we are approaching the exams that will help determine our future. Well luckily, I have compiled a list to help you get through the toughest time of the year and to keep your stress levels on the low.

  1. Start summarising your work before hand, this will give you an idea of the work so when the time comes to study it won’t be as new to your brain.
  2. Create a schedule, to determine when you’ll study and when you’ll take your breaks etc, this keeps things organised and will help to control your stress levels as you’ll know what you have to do and when.
  3. Get enough sleep every night. This is important as your brain needs the rest, so it can focus just as hard the next day.
  4. Lay back on the caffeine and substitute it with lots and lots of water, which is good for the brain and keeps you hydrated.
  5. Take frequent breaks while studying, your brain can’t focus for so long it’s important to take about 15 minutes breaks in between your long hours of studying.
  6. Exercise, exercise and exercise some more, this is good for your brain and heart and keeps your body and brain feeling refreshed and clear.

hope this post was helpful and goodluck to you all for the upcomming exams, remember to stay calm and study, study ,study!

love – Sandra-lee x




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